Understanding Bipartisan Politics

Statements of A Young African American… Democrat?

Sankofa McLaurin
2 min readNov 7, 2020
Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

I am not a Trump fan

I am not a fan of Trump. I do not believe he, at the time of his election, was fit to run a country. He’s a business man. I was fourteen years old four years ago and was positive his intellect hovered far below the threshold of president. This was during a time where I was detached from the mechanics of the presidential election. I didn’t watch any debates, I didn’t keep up with news broadcasts. I was, for lack of a better world, apolitical.

It is now four years later and some of my friends tiptoe around me thinking the views I have expressed on social media mean I am uninterested in politics. This is not true. I love to think about how policy governs the way individuals hold themselves.

Like Trump, for example. What, other than affluence, gives this man the authority to speak about minorities the way he has?

I want to revolutionize the system

I have wondered why nobody has tried to assassinate Trump. I have expressed to friends a desire to be the one to take up that task, if only there was a logical way.

I have attended protests and screamed for revolution.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Today, on the day Biden’s win has been announced, I find myself feeling unenthused. Don’t get me wrong: I am very happy Trump is no longer the face of our country. The fact of the matter is: the corruption in this country continues. Police officers and citizens alike will continue brutalizing minorities and this is just because this happened before Trump was elected.

I partook in my own personal revolution

— and I didn’t do it by looting or protesting. I did so by voting.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash



Sankofa McLaurin

Gaining a deeper understanding of the world through creativity.